Business Valuations

It’s important to know what your company’s really worth. Whether you’re appraising the value of a company you’re considering buying or one you’re thinking of selling, establishing the correct market value is the best foundation for a sound deal.

Accurate, independent business valuations

Bancorp can help you carry out an accurate business valuation, benchmarking the position of the business within its sector and against market norms. Our team stays ahead of New Zealand market pricing and is fully versed in all business valuation methodologies (discount and cashflow, multiples and net asset value).  At Bancorp we rely on first-hand information and direct market experience. As a group, we buy and sell New Zealand businesses on our own behalf. This gives us a real point of difference from our competitors.  Whether it’s your own business or a business you want to acquire, we can help you obtain an accurate valuation range.

For better business valuations, talk to the team at Bancorp

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