Foreign Exchange Risk Management

At Bancorp, we work with clients to accurately identify and mitigate the foreign exchange
exposures in their business. In our experience, there's always a way to manage
foreign currency risk if you get the risk identification process right.

At Bancorp, we’re not looking to make the ‘big call’. Clients value our advice because it is based on a detailed understanding of their exposure and the foreign exchange market as a whole. We stand by our advice and build an on-going relationship with clients, providing monthly reporting on actual rates achieved against market. In short, if you want options rather than odds, talk to Bancorp

Who do we work with?

Whether you are an importer, exporter, national or multinational business, the Bancorp team can help to reduce your foreign exchange risk. Our FX risk management team offers a wide range of services including:

  • Assessment of client exposures
  • Foriegn exchange hedging recommendations
  • Benchmarking foreign exchange rates and margins
  • Advising and negotiating new facilities and/or introducing new counterparties
  • Monthly reporting to benchmark actual rates achieved against market
  • Regular client strategy meetings

To review the way your organisation mitigates foreign exchange risk, talk to the team at Bancorp