Treasury Healthcheck

A treasury healthcheck provides the peace of mind that comes when everything is under control. Our team reviews your treasury processes at a strategic and operational level, looking from the big picture to the fine detail around who, what, why, when, where and how things are done.

Why Bancorp?

The Bancorp team is a group of professional treasurers focused on delivering sound improvements to your treasury function while working within realistic parameters of timing, budget and resources. We work across multiple sectors, companies and organisations and have a detailed understanding of domestic and international developments in best practice.


The Bancorp team will work to understand and categorise the inherent risk in your business from all angles. This process includes identifying how decisions are made and reviewing current risk management measures.


Bancorp will conduct a review of all your current daily procedures and document them concisely. We take a close look at how the treasury function operates by sitting with your treasury/finance team while they go about their day-to-day business. This ensures that you have well-documented, best practice procedures to support consistency, business continuity and to mitigate key man risk.

Reporting & benchmarking

Assessing reporting scope and formats. Our team identifies the key reporting criteria for material risk. This effectively flags issues so they can quickly be captured and managed. We also review the communication around reporting to ensure that dashboards are fully understood by all stakeholders. Bancorp offers Board workshops to recap on treasury knowledge and update Board members on current market conditions, peer benchmarking, international comparisons.


We review the type and scope of your existing system and processes, making recommendations for improvement where necessary. Whether you need a cash flow model, foreign exchange portal or a fully functional TMS, we can help and advise.

To inject more efficiency into your treasury function, talk to the team at Bancorp