Credit Ratings

If you’d like to gain a clear understanding of your credit rating before deciding whether or not to go out
to market, Bancorp can help. We will provide an accurate estimate of your potential credit rating
through our comprehensive, confidential shadow rating service. Bancorp deals with corporate credit
ratings, bank credit ratings and issue credit ratings.

Providing a shadow credit rating

Bancorp uses similar models to those used by large ratings agencies to provide shadow credit ratings which act as an accurate guide to the credit rating range you should expect. Let us help you to de-risk the ratings process.

Securing a credit rating

Our team can also help your organisation to prepare for the credit rating process itself. With agreement from your organisation, our team can then prepare the necessary data and financial information package to submit to the ratings agencies. By knowledgeably and meticulously presenting your organisation, its people, financials and market position, Bancorp can help you to establish the correct rating for your business.

Establishing a bank credit rating

Bancorp can follow a similar process to establish a favourable position for your company within the banking sector. As part of our debt advisory role, our team can negotiate with banks to obtain the best rating and terms for your organisation.

We’ll make sure that the market understands your true value.

If you’re thinking about changing your debt structure and entering the capital market,
talk to Bancorp